Love Bistro
Eighteen celebrity couples, two chefs and a brand new gastro-reality show – this is Love Bistro.

In the unique gastro-reality, developed and produced by Free Monkeys, where not only homemade recipes play a major role, but relationships as well.
Confectioner Angéla Baracskay and chef József Bernáth, the hosts of Love Bistro, do their best to make the star couples taste good.
The tasks are based on relationship dynamics, trust, and cooperation: Time plays an essential role as well, as couples can bid, i.e. manage their own cooking time, thus gaining an advantage during the competition.
Couples have to overcome a number of obstacles together on the way to the finals. There are no lack of humor, tears of joy, and dramatic moments during the race, the show’s cameras roll outside the kitchen too.
Love Bistro was on air from 24 August 2020 for 5 weeks on TV2 channel.